Final Blog Post

 Our Relationship With Technology

    I don't have as big of an online presence as others but I do have a lot of social media. I have a Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram account for my personal use. I now also have a blog that I use for this class as well as blogs for other classes. I also have a Linkedin account for professional use. I use Instagram and Snapchat the most out of all my social media accounts. On these I post what I do in my free time like if I go on vacation or if it's a special occasion like Christmas or someone's birthday.
    If someone who didn't know me saw my social media
posts they would know I go to High Point
University. They would also most likely gather I am a social person and they would see the people I usually hangout with. They would also most likely be able to tell where I have been on vacation. I have given my personal information to the websites such as my email, phone number, and birthday. 
    I do think while social media is meant to bring people together it can make people feel isolated and lonely. Society gets very wrapped up in who has the most followers or likes. It is also clear to see when you're being left out on something you feel you should've been invited to. Online presence has its positives and negatives it can bring people together and lets you connect from any distance. However it can also hurt people and make them grow further.    
    I think I have a relatively good relationship with social media. While many people are addicted to their phones I feel as though I manage it well. According to the screen time app on my phone I spend on average about 4 hours on my phone a day. While at a glance that may seem like a lot. I use it for social media but also FaceTime, phone calls, and the internet. Especially when we are on break and I am away from my friends I find myself texting and
FaceTiming more than usual. While I probably could use my phone less I don't feel like I am completely wrapped up in it. When it comes to school I use my computer a lot. Everything we do in class a computer is required. I use it everyday in class looking at the class slides or taking notes. I also use it at home for homework assignments, research, essays etc. 
    I do think I use technology a lot but it is almost forced by society. Using social media is my choice but school work must be done on a computer. In recent times we have all made the effort to "go green" this means using less paper in class therefore everything is online. Especially in recent times due to COVID-19 most students are doing online school. I think technology can be useful when you know how to use it correctly. However there are so many unreliable sources out there and many people don't know what to believe or not believe. Many sources can also only show one side of the story which is a very dangerous thing in journalism. I do worry that people believe everything they read on the internet because they use unreliable sources and may only read something from one article not many on the same subject.



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