Key Blog Post #5

 8 Values of Free Expression

In class we have discussed extensively about the First Amendment. We have talked about what rights we have in the First Amendment and what that means. We have also looked into how much of an effect the First Amendment has had on our history. We our now diving into the eight values of free expression. 

When in class and speaking with my partner there was one free expression that really stuck out to me. The fourth free expression individual self-fulfillment. This is when one person can create their own identity and express themselves. This concept is also know as self actualization. This may sound familiar if you have ever heard of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. This is a pyramid shaped chart that expresses what one needs to achieve self actualization. The steps begin with the basics food, water, shelter. Then comes safety and security feeling stable. Then relationships feeling loved and having a sense of belonging. Lastly is esteem where you have respect for yourself and others. Then you reach self actualization and that is what this idea of free expression is about. 

Once we can understand what self actualization means we must think about what this means for us in terms of free expression. The root of the answer to this question is freedom of speech. To become our best selves we must be able to speak freely. When you have this ability you can communicate with others to learn and figure out what you believe and what you disagree with. You also have the opportunity to learn others views this can open ones eyes to other ideas and concepts. I believe this is very important and it has affected me personally. I would not be the person I am today without individual self-fulfillment. By being able to communicate with others I have been able to have human dignity, agency, and autonomy. Dignity meaning I have respect for myself and I am worthy of that respect. Agency meaning I can make choices that affect others around me. Autonomy meaning I can make a choice and pursue it. 

Another idea of free expression that ties in with individual self-fulfillment is marketplace of ideas. This concept means that when both truth and falsehood exist truth will always win out. This idea was first suggested by John Milton. He brings up this idea to argue against requiring a license to publish or print. These tie in together because both concepts give humans the ability to form their own ideas and express them. Individual self-fulfillment is about communicating with others freely and therefore create your own identity. Marketplace ideas is about being able to publish or print your ideas without a license. These ideas work together to help create our rights. 


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